Power Delivery
Compliance Tester (PDT)
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USB Power Delivery Test Equipment

Packet-Master USB-PDT

The USB-PDT is a Power Delivery Compliance tester. It is pictured here fitted with the PDT-BT2-CON1 plug-in for testing on C-Type connector equipped Units Under Test

In this form it is capable of performing the complete suite of USB-IF Power Delivery Compliance Tests for both Cable E-Marker and PD Devices.

The USB-PDT is intended for use by compliance test houses and USB-IF workshops, and will also be found to be of great value to developers of Power Delivery Devices and E-markers, as it can save its cost many times over in potential failure of compliance testing done for the purpose of certification.

Tester Functionality

The USB-PDT Tester is equipped with the following resources:

  • Test Suite runs automatically with minimal intervention
  • A device with no issues can typically be tested in around 10 minutes
  • BMC Transmitter and Receiver employing 250Ms/s digital signal processing
  • Capability of Displaying BMC signal Eye Diagram with approximately 15 bit resolution
  • Capability of generating signal distortions for running the specified Interference Rejection tests required.
  • 100W PD VBUS Generator, automatically controlled by the tester
  • 100W PD VBUS Load, automatically controlled by the tester
  • VBUS Voltage and Current Measurement. Voltages are effectively made at the UUT end of the calibrated test cable supplied
  • A comprehensive Power Delivery Engine to allow the tester to behave as any knind of appropriate Port Partner during testing, and also to apply unusual test conditions to the Unit Under Test
  • Automatic Analyser Capture During Testing
  • External Power Supply Provided
  • An Exerciser capablity is currently in development

Eye Diagram

The digital signal processing nature of the USB-PDT receiver allows it to display an eye diagram plotted using the exact algorithm specified in the USB PD Compliance Plan. Around 15-bit resolution ensures an accurate and clean eye diagram; very important during compliance.

Analyser Capture

During testing, the entire sequence of PD messages is captured and displayed. Each event is analysed in the Details pane. Every bit field is analysed, described and any potential non-compliances are highlighted.SOP', SOP'', SOP'_debug and SOP''_debug messages are also displayed. The locations of the packets and the scope captures, together with voltage and current, are shown in the zoomable timeline.

VBUS scope captures are made at appropriate points in the testing, and these can be displayed, along with the related message positions. Each scope capture has a mask added to illustrate the adherence or otherwise of the waveforms to the specification.

Plug-ins for Packet-Master USB-PDT

The USB-PDT uses a plug-in module to allow simpler hardware upgrades. The current version of the plug-in is the PDT-BT3, which was specially designed to meet the test requirements of the PD Specification Rev 3 compliance test.

The C-Type connector is mounted on a mini-board to make it user-replaceable. This is a huge advantage if the connector becomes worn or damaged.

Extended Power Range Provision

The USB-PDT has now been replaced by the PDT-EPR (the USB-PDT is now longer available).

PDT-EPR v Original USB-PDT Comparison

Reason for New Design

The USB-IF has introduced new requirements in the Power Delivery Specification, which involve higher voltages and power levels in a PD product. Consequently they also require that Testers for such products should be able to cover these new power capabilities.

Detail of Changes Required

Essentially a Tester is now required to provide voltages of up to 48V, instead of the previous 20V, and load testing is required to sink 240W instead of the previous 100W. This has required a re-design of the USB-PDT, involving three new PCBs, a new higher powered external power supply, a new higher voltage Test Cable, and more efficient cooling arrangements.

It is now necessary to use a Tester with the higher capability, in order to be able to satisfy Compliance Requirements.

Even UUTs not implementing the higher voltages need to be tested with the new Tester Specification.

PDT-EPR v USB-PDT Comparison Table

Feature USB-PDT PDT-EPR Comment
VBUS Generator Voltage Range 3V-20V 3V-48V  
VBUS Settable Current Limit No 1A – 5A Tester as PPS Source
Current Sink 0 – 5A 100W 0 – 5A 240W  
Protocol SPR Only EPR and SPR  
VBUS Voltage Measurement Range 0V – 21V 0V – 55V  
Cooling Arrangements 100W Capable 240W Capable  
Test Cable Custom 20V/5A Cable Custom 50V/5A Cable  
External Power Supply 24V/8.3A 24V/13.75A  

Order Codes

We have arranged that the new capabilities can be accommodated in the existing box size, to allow the possibility of upgrading existing units. The following table describes the possible upgrade paths.

Reference Description
PDT-EPR Complete Power Delivery Compliance Tester with support for EPR, including BT3 and permanent registration for CTS software.
PDT-EPR-UPGD-CTS Upgrade of existing USB-PDT to support EPR, including permanent registration for CTS software. Does not include BT3.
PDT-EPR-UPGD Upgrade of existing USB-PDT to support EPR, for customers who already have permanent registration for CTS software. Does not include BT3.

Download Comparison Sheet (PDT-EPR v PDT)

Other Details

  • RoHS Compliant

  • Software/firmware updates are generally available free of charge from our website.

Also Available